Go Public With Your Faith
If you’ve made the decision to follow Jesus, one of the most important next steps you can take is baptism.
Baptism is a public celebration of your decision to follow Jesus.
Next Baptism
March 23, 2025
We’d love for you to get baptized at our next baptism opportunity.
Fill out the form below, and a pastor will reach out to connect and help you take this step.
What is baptism?
The word “baptism” as it appears in the Bible means immersion–the process of going under the water followed by coming back up from the water. Baptism doesn’t make you “saved”–only faith in Jesus does that. Once you’ve decided to follow Jesus, baptism is the step you take as a statement to let people know about your faith journey. Like a wedding ring, baptism is a visible reminder of an inward commitment already made in your heart.
Why should I get baptized?
We are identifying with Jesus’ experience and demonstrating outwardly in our baptism that we are dying to our old life, burying that old life, and rising to live the new life (see Romans 6:3-4 and Colossians 2:12). We put on Jesus’ values and priorities. We surrender to Jesus’ ways. We make him not only the Forgiver of our sin but the Leader of our lives as well. That means saying, “I’m no longer in charge… Jesus is.” (See Galatians 2:20). You’re ready to put your old life behind you, and put your new life into Jesus’ hands. (See Acts 2:38, Colossians 3:5-10, and John 1:12, 13.)
Baptism FAQ
The example that we see in scripture is that a person is baptized as a symbol of their decision to make Jesus their Forgiver and the Leader of their life. As such, if you were baptized as an infant or young child prior to personally having made the decision to follow Jesus, we would advise you to be baptized after you have made that decision for yourself. This doesn’t invalidate the importance of what our parents or spiritual mentors did for us…it’s simply the next step in our spiritual journey as we follow the example and direction of Jesus.
Sometimes a person has made the decision to be baptized in the past but over time becomes inactive in their faith. In that case, the public act of baptism is an appropriate way to express that you are re-committing yourself to following Jesus.
Typically, an older elementary-aged child is old enough to grasp the full meaning of baptism. Younger children may have trouble understanding the meaning of baptism enough to make the decision for themselves. We will arrange for any child under the age of 18 wishing to be baptized to speak with a youth or children’s ministry leader to talk through the meaning of baptism.
Any Christian can have the privilege of baptizing another. If available, we encourage you to have a person who had a significant impact in leading you to Jesus assist an Epic staff member in the baptism.
You can wear shorts and a t-shirt or a swimsuit (with a t-shirt over top). We do encourage you to wear dark colors. A good rule of thumb is to remember you’ll get completely wet and people will be watching.
Be sure to bring a towel, a change of clothes, and a bag for your wet clothes.