Two Truths and a Lie
Anxiety, insecurity, addiction, people pleasing… they’re all symptoms of a root issue. How do you go beyond just treating the symptoms that keep coming back and deal with the real issue once and for all?

Episodes in this series

Episode 1
Original Airdate: September 11, 2022
Kill the Spider
You can’t fix some problems until you go to the root of the problem. Almost every destructive behavior or habit we have can be traced back to a lie we’ve believed. Let’s start there.

Episode 2
Original Airdate: September 18, 2022
Winning the Battle In Your Mind
Most of life’s battles are won or lost in your mind. This week we’ll talk about some practical things you can do to win more than you lose.

Episode 3
Original Airdate: September 25, 2022
Curiosity Heals
Anytime we do something that hurts ourselves or others, there’s something going on beneath the surface. What do we do about that? We need to start being curious.

Episode 4
Original Airdate: October 2, 2022
Letting Go Of Control
We all like to think we’re in control, and we try so hard in so many ways to keep control. But true freedom and progress come when we accept an important truth—I am not in Control.

Episode 5
Original Airdate: October 9, 2022
Why Confession Is Good
“Confess your sins to each other…” This is a line that most of us would rather ignore. Let’s talk about why confession isn’t a bad thing—when done correctly, it repairs and restores and heals us.